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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Holiday Weekend

I hope everyone enjoyed the three day weekend and you are all ready to finish up our time together this week.  We will finish up with all of the academics you have been working on - Khan Academy for math, paragraph writing assignment, and civics vocabulary - and we will preview the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.

The last couple of days last week were a whirlwind for our class.  You all worked very hard on your math topics, you all started your paragraph draft, and some of you started studying the civics vocabulary.  Everyone set goals that they are working towards.

I found a couple of online flashcard makers that you might find helpful, Quizlet and Flashcard Machine.  I've included them in the listing of links if you want to check them out.

For today's comment I would like to know how you would like to continue staying connected during your freshman year.  You can say that you are not interested at all (which I hope you don't).  What I would like you to comment on is if you would like to stay connected as a group or just one-on-one.  Also, how & when would you like this to happen - during homeroom Wednesdays, using the blog, as an after school club, or some other idea.  Your feedback is important here as I am leaving it up to the group to decide.


  1. using the blog to stay connected

  2. i would like to stay as a group on the blog.

  3. I would like to stay connected and we should have a blogging club and meet at home room on wendsday.

  4. It really doesn't matter but since I will be playing a sport afterschool I think homeroom and using the blog will be nice

  5. on wednesday during homeroom as a group

  6. of staying connected i would like to come in in homeroom

  7. I say one on one. during homeroom on Wednesdays.

  8. i think a good way to stay connnected would be using the blog or starting a club that can help you with school an teachers come in to help you

  9. I could blog at homeroom are when im at home are if i get free time to do it at school

  10. I would like to stay as a group because i know everybody and we all understand our task at hand

  11. I would like to stay connected as a group because we will just be together face to face.

  12. I would like to stay connected by using the blog, because I could blog when I have free time or anytime at school when we use the laptops.
