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Monday, June 27, 2011

Rainy Monday

It's not easy to get out of bed early on a Monday morning in the summer when it's dark and rainy outside!  So for all of you in my class who made it in and participated in the lessons and activities, I thank you.

Today we talked about The Learning Zone and played a ring toss game.  Some of you earned rewards for your efforts, and all of you did a great job of appropriately participating in the activity.  The best part for me as your teacher is that you all understood the idea of The Learning Zone and where that might be for you in a variety of areas.

We added the following Efficacy Principles to our growing list:
#6: Thoughts determine actions.
#7: Use feedback to find your learning zone.

We took our first tour of KHS and viewed the core curricular hallways.

We are still working through some technology glitches, which is what I would like you to comment on today.  Please make your comment by the end of the day on Tuesday, June 28.

How do you feel about technology use in the classroom?  Does it help you learn, or is it too much of a distraction?  What are your favorite ways to learn through technology?


  1. Sometimes it could be a distraction but I always get my work done so it really doesn't bother me. My favorite parts is that with the technology I'm learning a new thing everyday.

  2. I feels about technology is how helpful it is and how it can be a distraction because of home work and how much u stay up

  3. I feel great about the technology in the classroom. It helps me because I learn new stuff about the technology that I use. Um when I actually use the computer and do stuff on it.

  4. Technology is a great way to learn. It helps most people learn but who knows some people may want to learn the old fashion way. I like games to help me learn.

  5. i like using it doing online programs that involve homework

  6. yes it helps so much and now that we have khan academy it is more exciting and fun to use the technology

  7. i think it helps me learn, my favorite learning site is kahn academy.

  8. It distracts me sometimes, but otherwise I like it.

  9. The technology was awesome, Mrs.Chappel always lets us listen to music while we are all working hard.

  10. I feel good about technology in the classroom. I t does help me, and I love every ways with the technology.

  11. i feel good about technology. Its good way in helping people with writing.

  12. I feel good about the texhnology and it really helps me

  13. i like technology in the classroom. it helps me with spelling and research
