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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 2- Fun with Technology

Thanks for sticking with it as we made our way through setting up email and Google Docs accounts.  Technology is fun and a great tool, but can be very frustrating at times!  I appreciate that you all kept at it and we finally got everyone set up!  I've made comments on your questions you posed in Google Docs, so go in and look at your document sometime to see my responses.

Besides technology, today we talked about Crab Mentality and watched a video by k-os.  If you ever want to view it again, the song is called "Crabbuckit" and can be found on YouTube.  Your homework assignment is to look for ways people bring each other low around you and complete the worksheet.

We learned about the two different mindsets: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.  You also discovered what your current mindsets are and discussed the fact that you can change it.

We read a short piece from The Odyssey and discussed some of the obstacles that stand in Odysseus' way as he journeys home to Ithaca.  I mentioned that you may consider an audio version of this text if listening while you read is beneficial for you.  You can check out audio versions of the book at the KHS library or your local public library.  There is also a free audio version available at Librivox.  You can listen to it online, or download sections of the book as MP3 files.

Our guest speaker today was Mrs. Kim Sweesy, your grade-level counselor while you are a student at Kirkwood High School.

What is one important thing that you learned from Mrs. Sweesy's talk?  Please add your comment before the end of the day on Friday, June 24.


  1. what i learned from Mrs Sweesy's was how she saw a hole bunch of students sin up for hole lot of class. and they get under control

  2. What classes you need to graduate.

  3. i learned that high school is going to be alot harder then middle school

  4. What I learned is that I have to have 24 credits to graduate from high school.

  5. She said that she would help us kep are grades up and not fall back

  6. i learned that if i dont have all my credits i can take elective classes

  7. the kind of help you get if ou just ask for it.

  8. The one thing I learned from Mrs.Sweesy's talk is that if you don't try in high school it will be very hard for you in the long run.

  9. that you need a certain number of credits to graduate and if you dont you wont graduate

  10. Mrs. Sweesy talked about how much credits we get in one year, and how much credit we need to get to graduate.

  11. One thing that I learned from Mrs. Sweezy is that you need 24 credits to graduate.


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  13. I learned that if we ever had a problem with, she was the right person to talk to. She also taught us about the respect for KHS. Learning , Self , Others , School Community.

  14. You have to pass all classes to graduate.
